The Café

In both our cafés the main emphasis is on creating a supportive and cheerful space in which to serve food and chat with participants. If you are interested to work with participants, listen to their stories and have some fun along the way, volunteering in our cafés might well be for you.

The Café volunteers are guided and supported by a Front of House Team Leader – who, like the Lead Cook, is an experienced volunteer with enhanced training for this role. Volunteers receive a short induction to familiarise themselves with the Café and its organisation.

The Team Leader will ensure the safe management of sessions and supports the volunteers throughout. Volunteers undertake a range of tasks – and, most importantly, spending time chatting and listening to the participants. The latter gives an opportunity for participants to raise concerns and worries which can then be discussed with the Team Leader for appropriate advice and support.

Many agency staff attend the sessions and they will often join the participants and volunteers for a meal. The café has a lively and friendly atmosphere which makes for a very enjoyable few hours.