Our Kitchen

If you like cooking, learning new recipes or want toInverness Foodstuff Kitchen gain catering skills or experience then becoming part of the lively Kitchen Team might interest you!

At each session, our Catering and Training Supervisor, or a volunteer Lead Cook in his absence, will decide what to make for the meal that day, once they have seen what food donations are available.

Our Catering and Training Supervisor and volunteer Lead Cooks are experienced cooks who support their team. Together with the other volunteers they will plan what tasks are needed to ensure the meal is ready for the participants. All volunteers are given appropriate tasks dependent on their experience and interests.

Working in the kitchen gives an opportunity to pick up, and contribute, new skills and tips for cooking and baking– as well as accessing free Food Hygiene courses. All new volunteers undergo a short induction to familiarise them to the setting.

Kitchen volunteers mix with the Café team and participants, not only at the hatches, but also when having a well-deserved meal themselves.