Fundraise and other ideas to help us:

At Inveress Foodstuff we are very grateful for many volunteers who offer to help us – Carol Singing
we are always delighted to hear from people with innovative ideas to support the charity.

Some volunteers may advise or work on specific issues or projects – and other volunteers or supporters raise money by undertaking sponsored challenges or running events. Individuals have also donated items – for example warm knitted hats and scarves in winter, sleeping bags, small presents for Christmas, packs soap and one volunteer even making up small containers of tea, coffee, dried milk and biscuits to ensure that someone can make a hot drink in their accommodation.

We also have benefited by local schools choosing us as their nominated charity for the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) programme – with all doing fantastic presentations and then some maintaining their link with IF by volunteering!

If you have any ideas how you may support us we would be delighted to hear from you! See our main Volunteer page for how to contact us or apply to be a Volunteer.